承办会议 Conferences

Gordon Research Conference on Ocean Biogeochemistry-"The Biologically-Driven Ocean Carbon Pumps"
此信息发布于:2016-3-9      浏览次数:2651

为推动学科交叉、协同创新,焦念志院士联合国际同行发起了Gordon Research Conference on Ocean Biogeochemistry。经过同行专家评议、论坛预演等努力,该论坛被Gordon Research Conference批准设立为永久论坛。

Ocean Biogeochemistry论坛的首次会议将于2016612-17日在香港中文大学举办,会议主题为“The Biologically-Driven Ocean Carbon Pumps”,欢迎有兴趣的老师同学申请参会,注意申请截止日期为2016515日。


First Gordon Research Conference on Ocean Biogeochemistry

“The Biologically-Driven Ocean Carbon Pumps”

Dates: June 12-17, 2016

Location: The Chinese University of Hong Kong


Chairs: Nianzhi Jiao & Eileen E. Hofmann

Vice Chairs: Louis Legendre & Sylvia Sander

Website: http://www.grc.org/programs.aspx?id=17297


Meeting description:

Biogeochemistry is one of the fastest growing disciplines in ocean sciences, hence the new Gordon Research Conference on Ocean Biogeochemistry. Biogeochemistry deals with the effects of living organisms on the concentrations of chemical elements in the different reservoirs of Earth (lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere, and biosphere) and with the cycles of chemical elements among reservoirs.

The first GRC on Ocean Biogeochemistry is devoted to the biologically-driven ocean carbon pumps. In future years, the Conference will address the cycles of various chemical elements that are involved in different aspects of life (including N, P, O, Fe, Si, Ca), play active roles in climate (including C, S, N), and participate in the long-term storage of carbon (including C, Ca, Si). It will consider the continuum between the past, present, and future ocean; explore observational, experimental, and modeling approaches; address the neritic, oceanic, and deep environments in the water column, and the sea bottom below; discuss the roles of photosynthetic, chemosynthetic, and heterotrophic organisms; and tackle both fundamental questions and environmental problems of concern to society.

By bringing together the international community of marine biogeochemists, the Conference will provide a unique, international forum for the development of ocean biogeochemistry, and thus become the cradle for novel ideas.

Applications for this meeting must be submitted by May 15, 2016.