Student Award

In order to encourage excellence, 10th IEBS is offering prizes for the top student poster and presentation. Only participants registered as students can participate in the competition. The competition chair will convene a panel of judges to identify the top poster/presentation based on research quality and presentation. Prizes will be awarded at the banquet on May 21st.

  • The Best Student Oral Presentation has been awarded to Ms. Eva-Maria Zetsche from University of Aberdeen (United Kingdom) for the presentation Temporal variation in sediment permeability changes the metabolic functioning of estuarine sands.
  • The Honorary Award for Student Oral Presentation has been awarded to Ms. Silvia Batchelli from UHI Millennium Institute (United Kingdom) for the presentation Fluorescence, fractionation behavior and iron binding properties of colloidal organic matter from a black water estuary”.
  • The Best Student Poster has been awarded to Ms. Biyan He from Xiamen University (China) for the presentationDistribution and dynamics of dissolved organic matter in the Pearl River estuary, China”.

Updated: May 23, 2008