
人员介绍 staff information

Shaoling Shang            


State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science

Xiamen University

Xiamen, 361005, China

E-mail: slshang@xmu.edu.cn


Research Interests:

Marine Biogeochemistry, especially interested in the biogeochemical response to long-term low-frequency climate-ocean variability and its relationship with global change, the physical control of biogeochemical processes, the IOP/AOP variability in relation to biogeochemical processes, and the development of regional in-water ocean color remote sensing algorithms. 


Professional Associations

American Geophysical Union

Chinese Society of Oceanography

Chinese Association of Remote Sensing Application



B.S.: Department of Oceanography, Xiamen University, China, 1988.

M.A.: Department of Oceanography, Xiamen University, China,  1991.

Ph.D.: Environmental Science Research Center, Xiamen University, China, 1995

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Professional Experience

Lecturer, Xiamen University, 1995-1999.

Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Nagoya University, Japan, 1996-1998.

Associate professor, Xiamen University, 1999-2005.

Professor, Xiamen University, 2005-present.


Refereed Journal Articles (1998-present)

1.      Saino*, T., S. Shang, Y. Mino et al. (1998). Short term variability of particle fluxes and its relation to surface processes detected by ADEOS/OCTS off Sanriku, northwestern North Pacific in the spring of 1997. Journal of Oceanography, Vol.54: 583-592. 

2.      Hong*, H., S. Shang & B.Huang (1999). An estimate on external fluxes of phosphorus and its environmental significance in Xiamen Wstern Sea. Marine Pollution Bulletin, Vol.39:200-204.  

3.     Shang, S. L.*, C. Y. Zhang, H. S. Hong, S. P. Shang, and F. Chai (2004). Short-term variability of chlorophyll associated with upwelling events in the Taiwan Strait during the southwest monsoon of 1998. Deep-Sea Research II, 51(10-11), 1113-1127.  

4.     Hong*, H.S., S.L. Shang, C.Y. Zhang, et al.(2005). Evidences of the ecosystem response to the environmental variability in the Taiwan Strait. Acta Oceanol. Sinica., Vol.27(2): 63-69 (in Chinese  with English abstract) 

5.    Shang, S.L., C.Y. Zhang, H.S.Hong* et al.(2005). Hydrographic and biological changes in the Taiwan Strait during the 1997-1998 El Nino winter. Geophysical Research Letters, Vol.32, doi:10.1029/2005GL022578. 

6.     Zhang, C.Y., S.L.Shang, D.W. Chen et al., 2005. Short term variability of the Zhe-Min coastal water and its relationship with winter monsoon. J. Remote Sensing, Vol.9(4): 421-427 (in Chinese with English abstract). 

7.      Hong H, Wu J., Shang S.* and Hu C. (2005). Absorption and fluorescence of chromophoric dissolved organic matter in the Pearl River Estuary, South China Sea. Marine Chemistry, 97(1-2): 78-89.  

8.      Li, Y., S.L. Shang, C.Y.Zhang et al. (2006). Remote sensing of algal blooms using a turbidity-free function for near-infrared and red signals. Chinese Science Bulletin, Vol.51(4): 464-471. 

9.    Zhang, C.Y., S.L. Shang. H.S. Hong (2006). The spatial pattern of Chlorophyll a seasonal variation in the Taiwan Strait as revealed by SeaWiFS. Acta  Oceanol. Sinica., Vol.28(2): (in Chinese with English abstract).  

10.  Zhang,C.Y., C.Hu, S. Shang, et al.(2006). Bridging between SeaWiFS and MODIS for continuity of chlorophyll-a concentration assessments off Southeastern China. Remote Sensing of Environment, Vol.102 (3-4): 250-263.

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Book Chapters and Other Publications : 

1.       Hong H., Shang S.& Dai M., 1994. The biogeochemcial study of carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus in the Taiwan Strait and its adjacent regions. In: "Global Fluxes of Carbon and Its Related Substances in the Coastal Sea-Ocean-Atmosphere System", Proceedings of the 1994 Sapporo IGBP Symposium, Japan, 129-137. 

2.      Peng, X., H.Hong & S.Shang, 1997. Dynamics of DOC of eutrophic layer in the Taiwan Strait: diurnal variation of large range. In: Oceanography in China(7): Primary productivity and its controlling mechanism in Taiwan Strait region. China Ocean Press, Beijing. pp 124-132 (in Chinese with English abstract) 

3.      Shang, S., H. Hong & B. Huang, 1997. A preliminary phosphorus cycling model in the Xiamen Western Sea. In: Study of contaminated sediment in Hong Kong and Xiamen Harbours, eds by Hong & Xu, Xiamen University Press, Xiamen. pp 119-127.( in Chinese with English abstract)

4.      Shang, S., H. Hong, L. Xu  & J. Huang, 1997. The phosphorus benthic cycle and fluxes in Xiamen Western Sea. In: Study of contaminated sediment in Hong Kong and Xiamen Harbours, eds by Hong & Xu, Xiamen University Press, Xiamen. pp128-135(in Chinese with English abstract). 

5.      Hong, H. & S. Shang, 1998. The input fluxes of phosphorus in Xiamen Western Sea. In: Land-sea interaction in Chinese coastal zones, ed. by Zhang Jing, China Ocean Press, Beijing, pp 144-158.

6.      Shang S.L.* et al, 2003. Upwelling induced variability of Chlorophyll in the Taiwan Strait as observed by SeaWiFS and AVHRR. Proceedings of SPIE, Vol.4892247-257. (EI index)

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Funded Research Programs : 

PI: Long term variation of sea surface temperature and its ecological response in the Taiwan Strait (National Science Foundation of China), ¥130,000, 2000-2002;

PI: Field hyperspectral monitoring system for coastal turbid waters (863 high technology program, Ministry of Science and Technology), ¥200,000, 2002-2004;

PI: Change of underwater radiation field in response to phytoplankton blooms and the chemical and biological modulation (National Science Foundation of China), ¥350,000, 2004-2006;

PI: Satellite monitoring system for the Taiwan Strait(Fujian OA), ¥1670,000, 2005-2007

PI: Spatial and temporal pattern of coastal upwelling in the China Sea(Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University, Xiamen University), ¥300,000, 2006-2007;

Co-I: Interannual variation of phytoplankton in response to environmental fluctuation in the upwelling water of Taiwan Strait (National Science Foundation of China), ¥1400,000, 2004-2007;

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厦门大学“海洋生物地球化学过程和机制”创新研究群体 版权所有 @2006