
人员介绍 staff information

Dr. Nianzhi (George) JIAO
Cheung Kong Professor
Professor of Biological Oceanography

Associate Director
National Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science
Xiamen University
Email: jiao@xmu.edu.cn


Education and Professional Experience


Shandong College of Oceanography, B.S


Shandong College of Oceanography, TA & RA


Ocean University of Qingdao, M.S


Ocean University of Qingdao, Ph.D


Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Postdoc


University of Tokyo, Japan, Postdoctoral research


Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Associate Research Professor


Jiaozhou Bay Research Station, IO, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Research Professor, Vice Director, Director


Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA, Visiting Scientist


National Institute for Environmental Studies, Japan, Research Fellow


Xiamen University, Cheung Kong Professor


Research Interests

Picoplankton and Microbial Ecology

Flow cytometry - methodology and application

Microbial Oceanography - process study on carbon cycling

Microbes of particular interests include Prochlorococcus,  Synechococcus, pico-eukaryotes,  Archaea, Virioplankton,  Aerobic Anoxygenic Phototrophic Bacteria (AAPB),  Proteorhodopsin (PR) bacteria

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Professional Affiliations

International scientific organizations


Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research (SCOR), WG 126,  member


IGBP: Joint Global Ocean Flux Study (JGOFS) /North Pacific Synthesis Group (Canada, China, Japan, Korea, Russia, USA) (NPSG),  member


IGBP: JGOFS North Pacific Task Team (NPTT),   member

Domestic scientific organizations


 Chinese Society for Marine Microbial Biology, Deputy Director


 Chinese Society for Oceanography, Scientific Research Pannell member


Scientific Committee for Chinese Ecosystem Research Network, Academic Committee member


Chinese LOICZ committee, Associate Secretary General

Overseas professional societies


International Society for Microbial Ecology, member


American Society for Limnology and Oceanography, member


American Association for the Advancement of Science, member


New York Academy of Sciences, member

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Editorial Board membership

Marine Biology Research, Board member(Tayler & Francis Publishers)

Research Journal of Biological Sciences, Invited board member

(Medwell Scientific Research Publisher)

Acta Oceanogica Sinica (SCI English Journal), Board member,  

Assistant to Editor-in-Chief  

The Open Hydrology Journal,  Invited  (Bentham Science Publishers)

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Invited Professional Service 

1.     Adjunct Full Professor

Center of Marine Biotechnology

University of Maryland, Biotechnology Institute

Baltimore, MD


2.      Ph.D. advisory committee member

Max-Plank Institute for Marine Microbiology



3.      Editor of collected work for Nova Science Publishers, Inc. (NY)

for  1). Monograph for hardcover book

       2). Extended Review article for softcover book    

4.  Invited review expert


Ecology Letters

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Honors and Awards in the past 15 years


"Excellent Young Scientist Award" by the Scientific Association of Shandong Province


"National Distinguished Young Scientist Award" by the Personnel Ministry and the National Association of Science and Technology of China


" Distinguished Young Scientist " Awarded by Chinese Academy of Sciences


 “Distinguished Young Scientist Grant” by the National Natural Science Foundation of China


"STA Fellowship" by Science and Technology Agency of Japan


8th International Microbial Ecology Symposium Scholarship, Canada


"Cheung Kong Professor "scholarship by the Ministry of Education of China and the Li Ka-Shing Foundation, Hong Kong


"Marine Science Innovation Award" by the State Ocean Administration of China


"Environmental Science and Technology Award" by the State Environmental Administration of China


"Marine Science Innovation Award" by the State Ocean Administration of China


“National Natural Science Award (Silver Medal)” by the State Department of China

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OnGoing  Research Projects


Project title





Ecological role of Aerobic Anoxygenic Phototrophic Bacteria (AAPB) in the ocean

National Natural Science Foundation of China




Joint studies on marine microbial ecology

Ministry of Science and Technology of China




Diversity and biological processes of photosynthetic prokaryotes in marine environments

A Key Project of the National Natural Science Foundation of China




Microbes in ballast water: Monitoring and process study

A Key Project of the R&D Program, Ministry of Science and Technology, China.




Roles of bacteria with autotrophic capability in ocean carbon cycling

Chinese association of ocean resources  



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Selected Peer Reviewed Publications

1.        Nianzhi Jiao,  et al., 2007. Ecological anomalies in the East China Sea: Impacts of the Three Gorges Dam? Water Research, 41(06):1287-1293.

2.        Zhang, Yao; Jiao, Nianzhi, 2007. Dynamics of Aerobic Anoxygenic Phototrophic Bacteria in the East China Sea. FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 61(2):

3.        Yonghui Zeng, Heyang Li, and Nianzhi Jiao, 2007. Phylogenetic diversity of planktonic archaea in the estuarine region of East China Sea. Microbiol Res 162:26-36.

4.        Nianzhi  Jiao, Yao Zhang and Yao Chen, 2006. Time series observation based infrared epifluorescence microscopic TIREMapproach for accurate enumeration of bacteriochlorophyll containing microbes in marine environments, Journal of Microbiological Methods. 65 (3): 442-452.

5.        Nianzhi Jiao, Yanlin Zhao, Tingwei Luo and Xiulin Wang, 2006. Natural and Anthropogenic Forcing on the Dynamics of Virioplankton in the Yangtze River Estuary. J. Mar. Biol. Ass. U.K. (2006), 865295): 128-136.

6.        Nianzhi Jiao, Fuying Feng and Bo Wei, 2006. Proteorhodopsin—a new path for biological utilization of light energy in the sea. Chin. Sci. Bull. 51(8): 889-896.

7.        Hailian Du, Nianzhi Jiao, Yaohua Hu, Yonghui Zeng, 2006. Diversity and Distribution of pigmented Heterotrophic Bacteria in Marine Environments. FEMS Microbiology Ecology. 57 (2006): 92–105.

8.        Yao Zhang, Nianzhi Jiao , Matthew T. Cottrell, David L. Kirchman, 2006, Bacterial production by major bacterial groups along a salinity gradient in the South China Sea, as seen by miroFISH, Aquatic Microbial Ecology 43:233-241.

9.        Hailian Du, Nianzhi Jiao, Yaohua Hu and Yonghui Zeng, 2006. Real-time pcr for quantification of aerobic anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria based on pufM gene in marine environment. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 329(1): 113-121.

10.     Qiang Li, Nianzhi Jiao, Zaiqing Peng, 2006, Environmental Control of Growth and BChl a Expression in an Aerobic Anoxygenic Phototrophic Bacterium, Erythrobacter longus (DSMZ6997) Act. Oceanol.Sin. 256):138144.

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11.     Zhiqiang Lu, Nianzhi Jiao and Huiyong Zhang, 2006. Physiological Changes in Marine Picocyanobacterial Synechococcus strains Exposed to Elevated CO2 Partial Pressure. Marine Biology Research. 2(6): 424 – 430.

12.     Yaohua Hu, Hailian Du, Nianzhi Jiao, Yonghui Zeng, 2006. Abundant presence of the γ-like Proteobacterial pufM gene in oxic seawater. FEMS Microbiology Letter , 263 (2): 200-206.

13.     Xin Dai, Bao-Jun Wang, Qing-Xiang Yang, Nianzhi Jiao and Shuang-Jiang Liu, 2006. Yangia pacifica gen. nov., sp. nov., a novel member of the Roseobacter clade from coastal sediment of the East China Sea. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology. 55: 529-533.

14.     Lin, S., Zhang, H. and Nisanzhi Jiao, 2006. Potential utility of mitochondrial cytochrome *b* and its mRNA editing in resolving closely related dinoflagellates: a case study of Prorocentrum (Dinophyceae). J. Phycol.42: 646-654.

15.     Xihan Chen, Yonghui Zeng, Nianzhi Jiao, 2006. Development and evaluation of specific 16S rDNA primers for marine Cytophaga–Flavobacteria cluster. Molecular Ecology Notes, 6: 1278-1281

16.     Liu Yongqin, Yao Tandong, Kang Shichang, Nianzhi Jiao, Zeng Yonghui, Shi Yang,Luo Tingwei, Jing Zhefang & Huang Shijun, 2006. Seasonal variation of snow microbial community structure in the East Rongbuk glacier, Mt. Everest Chin. Sci. Bull. 2005, 51(12)1476-1486.

17.     Yongqin Liu, Tandong Yao, Nianzhi Jiao, Shichang Kang, Yonghui Zeng & Sijun Huang, 2006. Microbial community structure in moraine lakes and glacial meltwaters, Mount Everest. FEMS Microbiol Lett, 265: 98–105.

18.     Liu Jinwen, Nianzhi Jiao, Cai Huinong, 2006 Cell cycling and signal transduction in marine phytoplankton. Progress in Natural Science. 16(7): 671-678.

19.     Nianzhi Jiao, Yanhui Yang , Hong Ning, Ma Ying, Hiroshi Koshikawa , Masataka Watanabe 2005. Dyanmics of autotrophic picoplankton and heterotrophic bacteria in the East China Sea. Continental Shelf Research 25(7): 856-867

20.     Jingwen Liu , Nianzhi Jiao , Huasheng Hong , Tingwei Luo & Haiyuan Cai , 2005. Proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) as a marker of cell proliferation in the marine dinoflagellate Prorocentrum donghaiense Lu and the green alga Dunaliella salina Teodoresco. Journal of Applied Phycology (2005) 17: 323–330.

21.     Shujiang Zhao, Nianzhi Jiao , Zhiliang Shen and Yulin Wu, 2005. Causes and Consequences of Changes in Nutrient Sturcture in the Jiaozhou Bay . Journal of Integrative Plant Biology . 47(4): 396-410.

22.     Shujiang Zhao, Nianzhi Jiao, Wu Changwen, Liang Bing, Zhang Shuyi, 2005. Evolution of nutrient structure and phytoplankton composition in the Jiaozhou Bay ecosystem. Journal of Environmental Science , 2005, 17(1): 95-102

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23.     Nianzhi Jiao, Yinjie Yang, and Tingwei Luo 2004. Membrane potential based characterization by flow cytometry of physiological states in an aerobic anoxygenic phototrophic bacterium. Aquatic Microbial Ecology, 37 (2):149-158.

24.     Shao P, Chen YQ, Zhou H, Qu LH, Ma Y, Li HY, Nianzhi Jiao 2004. Phylogenetic diversity of Archaea in prawn farm sediment. Marine Biology, 146 (1): 133-142

25.     Yang Y. F. Huang, X. F, Liu J.K. and Nianzhi Jiao, 2005. Effects of fish stocking on zooplankton community structure in cultured water bodies in China. Fisheries Managements and Ecology 12: 81–89

26.     Ma Ying, Nianzhi Jiao, Yonghui Zeng, 2004. Natural Community structure of cyanobacteria in the South China Sea as revealed by rpoC1 gene sequence analysis. Lett. Appl. Microbiol. 39: 353358.

27.     Zeng Yonghui, Nianzhi Jiao, Cai Haiyuan, Chen Xihan, Wei Chaoling, 2004. Phylogenetic diversity of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase large subunit genes of bacterioplankton in the East China Sea. Act. Oceanol. Sin., 23 (4):673-685.

28.     Zhang Yao and Nianzhi Jiao , 2004. Method for quantification of aerobic anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria. Chin. Sci. Bull. 49 (6): 597-600.

29.     Ma Ying, Nianzhi Jiao, 2004.Molecular ecology of marine Synechococcus. Prog. Natural Sci., 14(8): 649655

30.     Yang Yanhui and Nianzhi Jiao, 2004. Dynamics of picoplankton in the Nansha Islands area of the South China Sea. Act. Oceanol. Sin., 23(3): 493-504.

31.     Nianzhi Jiao, M.E. Sieracki, Y. Zhang and H.L.Du, 2003. Aerobic Anoxygenic Phototrophic Bacteria And Their Roles In Marine Ecosystems. Chin Sci. Bull. 48( 11): 1064-1068.

32.     Nianzhi Jiao, Liu C., Koshikawa, M. Watanabe and H. Hong, 2003. Dynamics of dimethyl sulfide and dimethyl-sulfoniopropionate in the China Seas. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 45 (7): 774-786.

33.     Nianzhi Jiao, Yanhui Yang , Hiroshi Koshikawa , Masataka Watanabe 2002. Influence of hydrographic conditions on picoplankton distribution in the East China Sea, a marginal sea of the Northwest Pacific. Aquatic Microbial Ecology. 30(1):37-48.

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34.     Yang, Y. F., Wang, Zh. D. Pan, M. X. and Nianzhi Jiao,. ,2002. Community structure of zooplankton of the sea surface microlayer near Nuclear Power Plants and marine fish culture zones in Daya Bay. Chin. J. Oceanol. Limnol., 20(2):129-134.

35.     Nianzhi Jiao, Yang Y.H., Harada S., Koshigawa H., Watanabe M., 2002, Responses of Picoplankton to Nutrient Perturbation in the South China SeaWith Special Reference to the Coast-ward Distribution of Prochlorococcus. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 44(6): 731-739.

36.     Yang Y.H., Nianzhi Jiao, 2002. Effects of Iron Enrichment on Picoplankton Cell Abundances in the South China Sea. Chin. J. Limnol .Oceanogr. 20 (spec.iss):66-73.

37.     Yang Y.H., Nianzhi Jiao, 2002. Distribution of virioplankton in the Kuroshio Current and the adjacent area in the East China Sea as indicated by flow cytometry measurements. Chin. J. Limnol .Oceanogr. 20 (spec.iss):1-7.

38.     Gao Y. H., Y. Gao, H.M. Jin and Nianzhi Jiao, 2002.Extracelluar dissolved organic carbon of a marine nanoplanktonic diatom Chaeltoceros sp.: Influence of daily rhythm, light and temperature. Chin. J. Limnol .Oceanogr. 20 (spec.iss):81-92.

39.     Liu C.Z and Nianzhi. Jiao, 2002.Distribution and sea-air flux of biogenic climatic gas– dimethylsulphide (DMS) in the Jiaozhou Bay. Chin. J. Limnol .Oceanogr. 20 (spec.iss): 102-110.

40.     Yang, Y.J. and Nianzhi Jiao, 2002. Membrane potential, a key parameter of aquatic microplankton. Chin. J. Limnol .Oceanogr. 20 (spec.iss): 74-80.

41.     Liu C.Z and Nianzhi Jiao, 2002. Distribution of glcoseidase activities in the South China Sea Chin. J. Limnol .Oceanogr. 20 (spec.iss): 15-21.

42.     Yang Y.H., Nianzhi Jiao, 2002. In Situ Daily Growth Rate of Prochlorococcus at the Chlorophyll Maximum Layer in the Southern South China Sea: An Estimation from cell cycle analysis. Chin. J. Limnol .Oceanogr. 20 (spec.iss):8-14.

43.     Nianzhi Jiao and Y.Yang 2002, Ecological Studies on Prochlorococcus in the China Seas, Chin. Sci. Bull., 47 (15): 1243-1250.

44.     Nianzhi Jiao   and Y.Yang, Koshikawa, S. Harada and M. Watanabe 2001. Microscopic overestimation of heterotrophic bacteria in China Seas as compared with flow cytometry. J. Microbio. Biotechnol. 11(5):899-901.

45.     Nianzhi Jiao  , Chen N and I-Hsun Ni. 2000, High performance liquid chromatographic detection of divinyl chlorophyll as evidence of the presence of Prochlorococcus in the East China Sea. Act. Oceanogr. Taiw. 38(2): 61-69.

46.     Nianzhi Jiao and Y. Yang, 1999. Distribution of Prochlorococcus, Synechococcus and pico-eukaryotes in the East China Sea. Bull. l’institut Oceanogr. 19: 435442.

47.     Nianzhi Jiao, Yang, YH, E. Mann, S.W. Chisholm, N.H. Chen, 1998. Winter presence of Prochlorococcus marinus in the East China Sea. Chin. Sci. Bull., 43(10): 877-878.

48.     Nianzhi Jiao & I. Hsun Ni, 1997. Dynamics of size-fractionated phytoplankton, cyanobacteria and heterotrophic bacteria in the Pacific Ocean, Hydrobilogia 352:219-230.

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49.     Nianzhi Jiao & Wang. W., 1995. Light kinetics of size-fractionated phytoplankton photosynthesis and PDOC release of natural communities, The Marine Biology of the South China Sea II, 74-78.

50.     Nianzhi Jiao,  1993. Some frontiers in marine biodiversity studies. Biodiversity 1(1):61-66.

51.     Nianzhi Jiao, 1993. Interactions of ammonia and nitrate uptake by natural phytoplankton assemblages, Chin. J. Oceanol. Limnl., 11(2):97-107.

52.     Nianzhi Jiao & Wang Rong.,1994. Ammonium uptake and regeneration fluxes of the microplankton commumities in Jiaozhou Bay. Chin. J. Oceanol. Limnol., 12(2):165-174.

53.     Nianzhi Jiao, Rong Wang, 1994. Size-structures of microplankton biomass and production in Jiaozhou Bay. J. Plankton Res. (UK),16(12):1609-1625

The following papers are in Chinese with English abstract

54.     Jiao, Nianzhi, Fuying Feng and Wei Bo, 2006A light- biological-utilization based model of carbon cycling in surface ocean. Chinese Scicence Bulletin, 518):887-894.

55.     Jinwen Liu and Jiao, Nianzhi 2006, Signal transduction of phytoplankton cells, Progesses in Natural Science, 164):385-392

56.     Wu. C.Y., Jiao, Nianzhi 2005. Size spectra of plankton by flow-imaging techniques. High Technology Letters, 15(4): 71-74

57.     Wang, Y.N., Wang, B.J., Dai, X., Jiao, Nianzhi, Peng, Z.Y., Liu, S.J. 2005. Bacterial conversion of sulfur-and phosphorous-compounds and microbial diversity in sediments from a near-shore marine-cultural region. Environmental Science, 26(2): 157-162

58.     Tang, K.X., Jiao, Nianzhi, You, X.P., Chen, M.E., Shen, D.Y., Lin, Y.S., Lin, S.B. 2005. Bioremediation of Gracilaria lichenoides in fish cage-farming areas. Journal of Fishery Sciences of China, 12(2): 156-161

59.     Xu, Y.J., Qian, R.M., Jiao, Nianzhi   , Wang, Y.S. 2005. Responses of Gracilaria lichevoides to nutrient enrichments. Taiwan Strait, 24(2): 150-156

60.     Xu, Y.J., Qian, R.M., Jiao, Nianzhi 2005. Influences of macroalgae Gracilaria lemaneiformis on Skeletonema costatum's bloom. Taiwan Strait, 24(4): 533-539

61.     Qian, R.M., Lin, J.H., Jiao, Nianzhi , Chen, R.X. 2004.  Plankton responses to El Nino in the east of Taiwan Island. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 26(4): 147-152

62.     Qiu, D.J., Jiao, Nianzhi  2004. Methods for assessment of biomass of aquatic bacteria. Microbiology, 31(4): 111-115

63.     Xu, Y.J., Jiao, Nianzhi 2004.  Garcilaria biomediation of entrophication in cultivation waters. Journal of Fishery Sciences of China, 11(3): 276-280

64.     Xu, Y.J., Qian, R.M., Jiao, Nianzhi 2004. Effects of water movement on nitrogen uptake by Gracilaria lemaneiformis (Rhodophyta). Marine Environmental Science, 23(2): 32-35

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65.     Qian, R.M., Jiao, Nianzhi 2004. Diel vertical migration of planktonic Ostracoda in IONESS system. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 26(5): 123-132

66.     Xi, F., Zheng, T.L., Jiao, Nianzhi, Zhang, Y. 2004. A review of mechanisms and diversity of microorganisms in deep sea environments. Advances in Earth Science, 19(1): 38-46

67.     Chen, J.X., Huang, B.Q., Jiao, Nianzhi et. al. 2004. Detection of Alexandrium and A. Tanmarense by FISH and specific oligonucleotide probe. High Technology Letters, 13: 90-95

68.     Wang, Y.N., Wang, B.J., Dai, X., Jiao, Nianzhi, Peng, Z.Y., Liu, S.J. 2004. Ecological characterization of Bacilli in sediment form a near shore marine horticultural region. Chinese Journal of Applied and Environmental Biology, 10(4): 484-488

69.     Xu, Y.J., Jiao, Nianzhi 2004. Isolation and identification of microorganisms in water column and sediment. Microbiology, 31(2): 161-167

70.     Jiao, Nianzhi, Sieracki, M.E., Zhang, Y., Du, H.L. 2003. The role of Aerobic anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria in the sea. Chinese Science Bulletin, 48(6): 530-534

71.     Zhang, Y. Jiao, Nianzhi 2003. Enumeration of aerobic anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria in seawater. Chinese Science Bulletin, 48(24): 2549-2553

72.     Jiao, Nianzhi, Yang, Y.H. 2002. Dynamics of Prochlorococcus in the China Seas. Chinese Science Bulletin, 47(7): 485-491

73.     Pan, X.J., Jiao, Nianzhi 2001. Research progress in marine Archaea. Marine Science, 25(3): 42-44

74.     Yang, Y.H., Jiao, Nianzhi 2001. Progress in study of Prochlorococcus. Marine Science, 25(3): 42-44

75.     Song, F.X., Jiao, Nianzhi 2001. The controlling factors of the activity of extracellular enzymes in marine environments. Marine Science, 25(9): 16-18

76.     Chen, Y.H., Yang, Y.F., Jiao, Nianzhi 2001. Effects of mariculture on the planktonic community and water environments: A review. Marine Science, 25(10): 20-22

77.     Wang Wenqi, Jiao, Nianzhi , 2000. Bioindicator—an effective method in bio-monitoring system. in Ecological process and sustainable development, Science Press, Beijing, pp. 185-193

78.     Wang Wenqi, Jiao, Nianzhi , 2000. Bio-indicator selection and ecosystem monitoring in Jiaozhou Bay. in Ecological process and sustainable development, Science Press, Beijing, pp. 186-198

79.     Yang Yanghui, Jiao, Nianzhi , 2000. The role of picoplankton in Jiaozhou Bay ecosystem. in Ecological process and sustainable development, Science Press, Beijing, pp. 88-95

80.     Wang Yong, Jiao, Nianzhi , 2000. Research progress in bottom-up and top-down effect on phytoplankton in Jiaozhou Bay. in Ecological process and sustainable development, Science Press, Beijing, pp. 117-127

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81.     Yang, Y.F., Wang, Z.D., Jiao, Nianzhi, 2000. Ecological study on zooplankton of the surface microlayer of the Daya Bay, in Ecological process and sustainable development, Science Press, Beijing, pp. 302-312

82.     Zhao, W.H., Jiao, Nianzhi, Zhao, Z.X. 2000. Nitrogen pools in the Yantai Sishili Bay cultivated water. Oceanologia et Limnologia Sinica, 31(1): 5360

83.     Liu, C.Z., Jiao, Nianzhi 2000. Production of marine DMS. Ecological process and sustainable development, Science Press (Beijing), pp.155-170.

84.     Gu, J., Gong, J.X., Jiao, Nianzhi, Zhao, S.J. 2000. Construction of the GIS database on the marine environment of Jiaozhou Bay, Ecological process and sustainable development, Science Press (Beijing), pp. 312-318.

85.     Liang, Z., Gong, J.X., Jiao, Nianzhi, Zhao, S.J., Yang, Y.F. 2002. Jiaozhou Bay nutrient level alarm system. Marine Science, 2002(1): 58-62

86.     Wang, Y., Jiao, Nianzhi 2000. Methods for nutrient bottom-up effects on phytoplankton growth. Marine Science, 24(11): 16-18

87.     Wang, Y., Jiao, Nianzhi 2000. Nutrient bottom-up effects on phytoplankton growth. Marine Science, 24(10): 30-33

88.     Jiao, Nianzhi ,  Liu Chengzhang, 1999. Distribution of Dimethylsulphoniopropionate and its controlling mechanism in the East China Sea. Oceanologia et limmologia sinica, 30(5):525531.

89.     Jiao, Nianzhi , Yang Yanghui, 1999. Simultaneous monitoring of autotrophic picoplankton and heterotrophic bacteria. Oceanologia et limmologia sinica, 30(5)506511.

90.     Wang Yong, Jiao, Nianzhi , 1999. A preliminary study on nutrient limitation of phytoplankton in the Northern Yellow Sea. Oceanologia et limmologia sinica, 30(5):512-518.

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91.     Li Wei, Jiao, Nianzhi , 1999. Experimental studies on environmental factors regulating intracellular Dimethylsulphoniopropionate of the three unicellular algae species. Oceanologia et limmologia sinica, 306:635-643.

92.     Wang Yonghua, Jiao, Nianzhi , 1996. Determination of Dimethylsulfide in seawater and Dimethylsulphoniopropionate in phytoplankton cells by headspace GC/FPD method. Oceanologia et limmologia sinica, 271):46-50.

93.     Gao Hongfeng, Jiao, Nianzhi , 1997. Phytoplankton biomass and community structure as seen from algal pigments. Marine science, 97(3): 51-54.

94.     Jiao, Nianzhi , Wang Rong, 1998. Primary production and new production in the East China Sea. Oceanologia et limmologia sinica, 292):135140.

95.     Jiao, Nianzhi , Yang Yanghui, 1998. Presence of Prochlorococcus in Chinse coastal waters. Chinese Science Bulletin, 433):654655.

96.     Jiao, Nianzhi 1995. Size-fractionated nitrogen uptake kinetics in planktonic community of coastal waters. Oceanologia et limmologia sinica 26(2)191-198.

97.     Wang Rong,  Jiao Nianzhi , 1995. Primary production and new production in Jiaozhou Bay.  Collections of Ocean Research, 36:181-194.

98.     Jiao, Nianzhi , Xiao Tian, 1995. Microbial secondary production in Jiaozhou Bay. Chinese Science Bulletin, 40(7):829-832.

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99.     Chen Nianhong, Jiao, Nianzhi , 1995. flow Cytometry--- a powerful tool in marine ecological study. In Ecological Study of the Jiaozhou Bay Ecosystem, Science Press (Beijing), p.200-205.

100.  Xiao Tian, Jiao, Nianzhi , 1995.Dynamics of cyanobacteria and heterotrophic bacteria in Jiaozhou Bay. In Ecological Study of the Jiaozhou Bay Ecosystem. p.118-124.

101.  Jiao, Nianzhi , Chen Nianhong, 1995.Prochlorococcus – A new study area in marine ecology. Marine science, 95(4): p.9-12.

102.  Jiao, Nianzhi , 1994. A new chlorophyll extractant and its usage. Marine science. 94(3):25.

103.  Jiao, Nianzhi , Wang Rong, 1994. Light kinetics and the structure of primary productivity in the Jiaozhou Bay. Acta oceanologica sinica, 16(5):85-91.

104.  Jiao, Nianzhi , 1994.   Trendsancy in marine ecology. Frontiers of marine science, Marine Press (Beijing), pp. 107-119.

105.  Jiao, Nianzhi , Wang Rong, 1994. The roles of prokaryote and eukaryote in marine primary production. Oceanologia et limmologia sinica, 25(6):612-618.

106.  Jiao, Nianzhi , 1994. DMS – A new research area in marine sciences. Marine science 94(6):22-23.

107.  Jiao, Nianzhi , 1993. PCA analysis of environmental factors controlling productivity in reservoir. Oceanologia et limmologia bulletin, 1:83-89.

108.  Jiao, Nianzhi , 1993. Application of fuzzy recognition model to the evaluation of productivity in reservoirs. Journal of ocean university of Qingdao. 23(2):85-90.

109.  Jiao, Nianzhi , 1993. A models for reservoir fish productivity assessment. Oceanologia et limmologia sinica, 23(1):79-86.

110.  Jiao, Nianzhi , 1993. Methodology of 15N technique in biological oceanography. Marine science, 1:25-29.

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111.  Jiao, Nianzhi , Wang Rong, 1993. New production – a new research area of oceanography. Oceanologia et limmologia sinica, 24(2):205-211.

112.  Jiao, Nianzhi , Wang Rong, 1993. Determination of new production by 15N trace-ion mass spectrometry method. Oceanologia et limmologia sinica, 24(1):65--71.

113.  Jiao, Nianzhi , Wang Rong, 1993. Ammonium uptake and regeneration fluxes of the microplankton assemblages in the Jiaozhou Bay. Oceanologia et limmologia sinica, 24(3):232-239.

114.  Jiao, Nianzhi , Wang Rong, 1993. The structure of marine primary productivity, A new concept. Oceanologia et limmologia sinica, 24(4)342-346

115.  Jiao, Nianzhi , 1992. Productivity evaluation by delphi survey and gray statistical methods. Oceanologia et limmologia bulletin 6:91-98.

116.  Li Deshang, Jiao, Nianzhi , 1991.Wind forcing effects on phosphorus concentration in inland waters. Oceanologia et limmologia bulletin, 1:35-40.

117.  Jiao, Nianzhi , 1989. Analytical method of total phosphorus and other composition in fresh water environment. Fresh water fishery, 2:38-42.

118.  Jiao, Nianzhi , 1989. Phosphate de-absorption from sediment, Oceanologia et limmologia bulletin, 2:80-84.

119.  Jiao, Nianzhi , 1989. Prediction model of phosphorus concentration in inland waters. Oceanologia et limmologia bulletin, 2:80-84.

120.  Jiao, Nianzhi , 1989. Phosphate absorbed to and de-absorbed from suspended sediments and its availability to phytoplankton, Journal of ocean university of Qingdao 19(2)II:27-35.  

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Patents (Microbial ecology related)



Nianzhi Jiao, Tingwei Luo

Antivibration set ups for on-board microbial imaging system

Nianzhi Jiao, Tingwei Luo, Boliang Wang, Cheng Wang

Phytoplankton image database and auto-recognition  

Nianzhi Jiao, Tingwei Luo, Boliang Wang

Automatic feedback control of inflow in flow cytometry analysis system

Nianzhi Jiao, Tingwei Luo, Boliang Wang, Cheng Wang

Formula for automatic identification of microalgae

Nianzhi Jiao, Yao Zhang, Yao Chen

A microscopic protocol capable of enumeration of dim fluorescence cells

Nianzhi Jiao, Yao Zhang, Yao Chen

Method for accurate microscopic enumeration of    bacterial chlorophyll a containing microbes.

Nianzhi Jiao, Tingwei Luo, Yao Zhang

Method for detection of   Aerobic Anoxygenic Phototrophic Bacteria by flow cytometry

Tingwei Luo, Nianzhi Jiao, Chao Li

A specialized  ballast water sampler

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 Monographs (in Chinese)

1.       Marine Microbial Ecology, Science Press (Beijing), 2006,  pp526. Editor

2.       Ecological processes and sustainable development of Chinese coastal waters, Science Press (Beijing), 2001, Author, pp351. Editor

3.       Current frontiers in marine science, Academy Press (Beijing), 2000, Chapter Editor

4.       sustainable ecosystem and environmental biology, China Environmental Science Press (Beijing), 1997, pp320, Chapter-Editor

5.       Perspetives of the Jiaozhou Bay Ecosystem, Science Press (Beijing), 1995, pp205, Editor

6.       Research Trends In Marine Sciences, Ocean Press (Beijing), 1994, pp 228, Chapter-editor, 

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厦门大学“海洋生物地球化学过程和机制”创新研究群体 版权所有 @2006