
人员介绍 staff information

 Huasheng Hong                 


State Key Laboratory for Marine Environmental Science (Xiamen University)

Environmental Science Research Center

Xiamen University, 361005

Xiamen, Fujian, PRC

E-mail: hshong@xmu.edu.cn 



B. S. in Chemistry,              Xiamen University .1967

Ph. D. in Oceanography,   Graduate School of Oceanography, University of
                                                    Rhode Island  USA 1984


Work Experience:

Dec.05 –present      Honorary Director, State Key Laboratory of  Marine
                                          Environmental Science (Xiamen University)

Dec. 95-Dec.2003   Director, Key Laboratory for Marine Environmental Science
                                          of the Ministry of Education,
Xiamen University.

Apr 96-Dec.99          Dean, College of Oceanography & Environmental Science,
Xiamen University.

Dec 96-present        Deputy Director, International Coastal Sustainable
Development Training Center, Xiamen

Apr 92- Sep 96       Director, Environmental Science Research Center, Xiamen

Feb 92-Feb 93          Visiting Scientist, Research Center, the Hong Kong
  University of Science and Technology

Dec 91-present        Professor, Xiamen University.

Aug 86-Dec 91         Associate Professor, Department of Oceanography, Xiamen

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International SCOR SSC      Vice Chair

Chinese SCOR SSC  Chair

Chinese Society of Oceanography,   Vice Chairman

Chinese National Committee for IGBP,  member

Chinese National Committee for IHDP,  member

International JGOFS SSC member1999-2003

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Research Interest:

Marine biogeochemistry study of biogenic elements and trace organic pollutants, with particular emphasis on the processes of coastal upwelling concerning biogeochemical cycling of C, N, P and application of ocean color remote sensing with in situ study. Studies related to the utilization and protection of marine environment such as productivity of marine ecosystem and its response to the global change problem; the science and technology basis for the ocean and coastal sustainable development.

On-going projects: The response of phytoplankton to interannual variation of
                                   marine environmental
 in the upwelling regions of Taiwan
                                   Strait (NSF-C key project);

                                   The integrated monitoring and information system of Fujian
                                   coastal regions (MOST key project)

More than 200 scientific papers and three books have been published since 1985.

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Teaching Experiences:

Courses:  Marine Biogeochemistry

                   Environmental Oceanography

                   Coastal Sustainable Development


PhD Supervisor:  30 PhD students graduated

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Selected papers:


Hong H., Dai M.H., 1994 Biogeochemical studies of biologically important elements in the Taiwan Strait, Oceanology of China Seas (Kluwer Academic Publishers) (6) , 201-212


Hong H.Yao W. and Li W1994 Indication of hydrological features by chemical studies in the southern Taiwan Strait Region, The Physical and Chemical Oceanography in the China Seas (China Ocean Press),  393-405


Hong Huasheng, Wang Haili and Huang Bangqin, 1999  Primary production processes in the  Taiwan StraitSpatial and temporal variations of phytoplankton biomass and productivity, Acta Oceanologica Sinica, Vol. 18, No. 3, pp .423-433. China Ocean Press.


Hong Huasheng, Wang Xinhong, Xuli, Chen Weiqi, Zhang Luoping, Zhang Zulin,  2000  Trace organic pollutants in the southeast estuarine environment of China. Journal of Environmental Science, Part A—Toxic/Haz. Subst. & Environmental Eng.3510)。


Hong HuashengCao Wenzhi2001  Preliminary biogeochemical budget in Jiulong river estuary SystemLOICZ Reports and StudiesNetherlands1641-44


Huasheng Hong*Jingyu Wu, Shaoling Shang, Chuanmin Hu, 2005 Absorption and fluorescence of chromophoric dissolved organic matter in the Pearl River EstuarySouth China.  Marine Chemistry, VOL.97, 78-89

S. ShangC. Zhang H. Hong* et al., 2005 Hydrographic and biological changes in the Taiwan Strait during the1997–1998 El Nino winter.  Geophysical Research LettersVOL. 32, L11601


Caiyun Zhang, Chuanmin Hu, Shaoling Shang, Frank E. Müller-Karger, Yan Li, Minhan Dai, Bangqin Huang, Xiuren Ning, Huasheng Hong* 2006   Bridging between SeaWiFS and MODIS for continuity of chlorophyll-a concentration assessments off Southeastern China (to be published in Remote Sensing of Environment)


* Corresponding author

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Hong, H. (eds),  1991  Minnan-Taiwan Shoal Upwelling Ecosystem Study, Science Press, ISBN 703002416/P.490

Hong, H. (eds), 1997  Primary Productivity and its Controlling Mechanism in Taiwan Strait Regions, Oceanography in China No.7,China,Ocean Press,ISBN7-5027-4387-1/P.422 ,Beijing, 204pp.

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厦门大学“海洋生物地球化学过程和机制”创新研究群体 版权所有 @2006