个人简介 |
Brief CV |
厦门大学 助理教授 (2019 - )
Assistant Professor, Xiamen University (2019 - )
Postdoctoral Research Associate, POSTECH (2016-2018)
Assistant Research Scientist, MEL, Xiamen University (2015-2016)
PhD, Xiamen University (2015)
Research Interests |
Basin-scale nitrogen cycle and transport; Nutrient biogeochemistry; Impacts of anthropogenic activities on nitrogen cycling and nutrients
Selected Publications |
Chen, Y., Yang, J.Y.T.*, Tang, J.M., Hong, H., Kao, S.J., Dai, M., Shi, D.* (2024) Changes in isotope fractionation during nitrate assimilation by eukaryotic and prokaryotic algae under different pH and CO2 conditions. Limnology and Oceanography, doi:10.1002/lno.12546
Yang, J. Y. T.*, Tang, J. M., Kang, S. J., Dai, M., Kao, S. J., Yan, X., Xu, M. N., Du, C. (2022). Comparison of nitrate isotopes between the South China Sea and western North Pacific Ocean: Insights into biogeochemical signals and water exchange. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 127, e2021JC018304.
Yang, J. Y. T., Hsu, T. C., Tan, E., Lee, K., Krom, M. D., Kang, S., et al., (2022). Sedimentary processes dominate nitrous oxide production and emission in the hypoxic zone off the Changjiang River estuary. Science of The Total Environment, 827, 154042.
Yang, J. Y. T., Kao, S. J., Dai, M., Lin, H. L. (2017). Examining N cycling in the northern South China Sea from N isotopic signals in nitrate and particulate phases. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 122(8), 2118-2136.
Yang, J. Y. T., Lee, K.*, Zhang, J. Z., Moon, J. Y., Lee, J. S., Han, I. S., Lee, E. (2020). Contrasting decadal trends of subsurface excess nitrate in the western and eastern North Atlantic Ocean. Biogeosciences, 17, 3631-3642.