会议背景 Background

厦门大学地球科学与技术学部诚挚邀请海内外青年学者参加2017年厦门大学 “海洋环境科学青年学者论坛”,充分探讨前沿科学方向,深入了解厦门大学学科发展现状和人才队伍建设,为厦门大学海洋环境科学的进一步发展建言献策。
Xiamen University’s Faculty of Earth Science and Technology  invites young scholars to participate in the 2017 XMU Youth Scholar Forum on Marine Environmental Science, in which youth scholars will explore the frontiers of research in marine environmental science, learn the current status of XMU’s scientific research and learn about XMU’s policy for supporting youth scholars. They will also be encouraged to advise for future development of XMU in marine environmental science.
Xiamen University, a cradle of marine environmental science in China, is one of the major teaching and research institutions in marine environmental science in China. XMU was awarded national key disciplines in marine science and environmental sciences. XMU’s Faculty of Earth Science and Technology (FEST) consists of the College of Ocean and Earth Sciences, the College of the Environment and Ecology and the Coastal and Ocean Management Institute. The State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science based on the FEST was listed as an Excellent State Key Laboratory in 2010 and 2015 by the Ministry of Science and Technology of the People’s Republic of China. The Faculty of Earth Science and Technology is dedicated to excellent education and cutting-edge research on global change, facing China’s major demand for marine environmental protection and ecological security, and emphasizing fundamental and interdisciplinary research and technological innovation. FEST’s strategic research priorities focus on biogeochemical processes and their interactions with ecosystems in oceans, rivers and wetlands, and the response and feedbacks of the ecosystems to these environmental changes from natural and anthropogenic factors.