Time-series analysis of ocean biogeochemical and ecological data
Statistical analysis of time series and its applications to the global sea level rise and to tide predictions in the shallow waters of the gulf of mexico  (Invited)
Alexey Sadovski*
Tuesday 8th @ 1330-1405, Conference Room 5
Neogene burial of organic carbon in the global ocean  (Invited)
Yige Zhang* , Ziye Li
Tuesday 8th @ 1405-1440, Conference Room 5
The Adaptive Metropolis algorithm as a tool for model selection given irregular and imperfect time-series data  (Invited)
Sherwood. Lan Smith* , Yokohama JAMSTEC
Tuesday 8th @ 1440-1515, Conference Room 5
Long-term variation of subsurface oxygen and nutrient in North Pacific: Do they reflect each other?  (Invited)
Tsuneo Ono*
Tuesday 8th @ 1515-1540, Conference Room 5
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