Presentation Guidelines

Oral Presentations

²   Keynote speeches are 40 minutes each including ~5 minutes Q&A.

²   Other talks are scheduled for 15- to 25-minute time slots depending on the sessions. We strongly encourage a presentation to allow at least 3 minutes for discussion and to entertain questions from those in the audience. The time limit will be strictly enforced to facilitate movement between sessions.

²   No audio or video recording is allowed in any of the session rooms during the meeting.

²   Presentations should be in Microsoft PowerPoint (.ppt or .pptx). Please notify the technician in the room in which your presentation will take place well in advance if your presentation is in a different format.

²   Please bring your presentation on a USB memory stick. Be sure to CLEARLY identify your USB memory stick with your name & the session in which you are presenting.

²   We recommend all PPT files be uploaded upon registration at 1400h-2000h on Jan 8.

²   Or at the beginning of each day, before the speaker sessions, please submit your presentation media to the session chair (or conference staff) in the room in which your presentation will take place. The session chair (or conference staff) will help you load your presentation on to the appropriate computer.


Please be sure to check your presentation for viruses before
uploading and presenting at the meeting.


Poster Presentations

²   The designated poster sessions are from 1625h-1830h on Monday and Tuesday (Jan 9 and Jan 10) in the Exhibition Hall (first floor). Light refreshments and snacks will be available during the poster sessions.

²   Each poster will be assigned a number that corresponds to their location on the display board.

²   Poster dimensions should not exceed 120 cm (height) and 85 cm (width), and should be in portrait orientation.

²   The text should be readable from five feet away. Use a minimum font size of 20 points.

²   We recommend you hang up your poster between 1400h-2000h on Jan 8 during the registration period. All posters should remain on display throughout the symposium.

²   The poster presenter should be available for at least 1 hour during the poster sessions on both Monday and Tuesday.

²   All posters should be removed by 1800 Wehnesday, Jan 11.



English is the official language of the symposium. PPT slides and posters should be prepared in English. Oral talks should be presented in English also.