2nd XMAS学生专场暨第二届中国海洋科学研究生联合会学术论坛


中国海洋科学研究生联合会SUCOSStudent Union of China Ocean Sciences)是由中国海洋大学、厦门大学、同济大学、天津科技大学、中国科学技术大学多所高校/研究所在读研究生发起,多个海洋科学国家重点实验室教育部重点实验室及省市级重点实验室支持下建立起来的。本联合会以中国海洋科学研究生为主体,其建设旨在(1)加强研究生的沟通,通过学科交叉扩展海洋科学不同专业研究生的海洋学知识面,提高研究生的综合素质;(2)通过组织网络在线讨论活动(中国海洋研究超级群(群号:183403725),快乐海洋论坛)及研究生学术论坛进一步加强研究生之间的交流与合作;(3)与中国海洋科学卓越教育伙伴计划(COSEE China)合作,向公众普及海洋科学知识,提高全民的海洋意识,推动中国海洋科学研究和教育的发展。


第二届中国海洋科学研究生联合会学术论坛(2ndSUCOS)将在1stSUCOS的基础上吸收更多的力量,并争取获得更多学校和单位的支持。本届论坛由厦门大学近海海洋环境科学国家重点实验室(MEL)承办,将借MEL海洋环境开放科学大会(2nd XMAS)之际举办,并与(2nd XMAS)中开设的研究生专场合并,旨在突出和加强学生之间的学术交流。本届论坛将对海内外所有研究生开放,我们真诚希望得到您的关注和支持



2nd XMAS Student Session: The Second SUCOS Academic Forum



The 2nd XMAS Student Session is planned and organized by the Student Union of China Ocean Sciences (SUCOS). SUCOS was established by graduate students with massive support from major universities and institutes in the field of ocean science across China. On behalf of all the future young marine scientists, we aim to:

1Strengthen communications among ocean science students, broaden our knowledge, and improve our overall competence in ocean sciences by cross-disciplinary integration; 2Enhance friendly exchanges and collaborations among graduate students via the internet ( China Ocean Sciences Group in QQ and Joy Ocean BBS system), as well as academic forums; 3Collaborate with COSEE China (Centers for Ocean Sciences Education Excellence) in education and outreach to improve the general public's awareness of ocean science.

To improve academic exchanges and discussions among graduate students, SUOCS convened the first SUCOS Academic Forum on 16th- 19th July, 2012.

This forum was hosted by Ocean University of China and the theme was the “Marine Biological Pump: Present Processes and Sediment Records” with graduate students from 14 universities and academic institutes participating.

The second SUCOS Academic Forum is gaining more interest and support from more universities and academic institutes. The second forum will be hosted by MEL at XMU(State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University).It will occur as one session during the 2nd XMAS(the Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences). It is open to graduate students worldwide. Thank you for your attention, and we sincerely wish for your support!